J.M. Stone

Welcome to J.M. Stone's official website!



Funny Video of the Week: Dramatic Squirrel via LOST


Hey there,

04/03/2008 - After a few critiques on the excerpt we've made revisions. Take a look and let us know if we've improved. Thanks for the input so far!

04/02/2008 - We posted our first excerpt today. You'll be able to read the Prologue in it's entirety by going to our Excerpts page. Be sure to send us your thoughts through the Contact Us page! Thanks, guys!
                       - Oh yeah and we decided to spice up our front page a bit. We're going to post our funny video of the week for all of you fabulous people to enjoy! Suggestions welcome of course- send us your funny video [links only please] through the Contact Us page!

04/01/2008 - Thank you for bearing with us while we get our first website underway! Things are still pretty rough and in the making but we'll keep you update via this home page. For now, feel free to wander around the website and read about our current work in progress!